Visite guidée gratuite en Français

Kilkenny Castle OPW Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, Ireland

A l’occasion de la semaine du patrimoine, nous proposons une visite guidée gratuite du château de Kilkenny en Français le Jeudi 20 août à 09 :15. Contactez-nous par email […]


Visita guidata del castello in lingua Italiana

Kilkenny Castle OPW Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, Ireland

In occasione della settimana dedicata al Patrimonio Culturale Irlandese, siamo lieti di informare i nostri visitatori che il giorno 22 agosto alle ore 16.15, sara' disponibile una visita guidata del […]


Children Friendly Tour of Kilkenny Castle

Kilkenny Castle OPW Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, Ireland

This free guided tour is aimed at school going aged children and their families. Parts of the Castle may not be suitable for people with limited mobility but ground floor […]


Sensory Friendly Tour of Kilkenny Castle

Kilkenny Castle OPW Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, Ireland

This will be a unique opportunity for people with sensory needs and their family to view the beautiful Victorian period rooms of the Castle in a quiet environment. This event […]


Irish Sign Language Interpreted Tour of Kilkenny Castle

Kilkenny Castle OPW Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, Ireland

As part of the Heritage Week 2024 and the OPW programme of Irish Sign Language interpreted tours at Heritage sites around the country, Kilkenny Castle is offering a free ISL […]


The Butler Society Triennial Gathering 2024

Kilkenny Castle OPW Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Kilkenny, Ireland

OPW Kilkenny Castle is once again delighted to welcome Butler Society members from all over the world this week. From August 28th to September 1st, Butler families and their loved […]

Free Admission for Culture Night

Kilkenny Castle is delighted to take part in Culture Night once more. To celebrate Culture Night, the period rooms and exhibitions of Kilkenny Castle will be open to the public […]


Alice Kyteler: Witch, Victim, or Feminist Icon?

Alice Kyteler remains the most well-known but mysterious woman in the history of Kilkenny. Seven hundred years have passed since she disappeared at the height of the Kilkenny Witchcraft Trial, […]
