Free Visits
Under the OPW Free Educational Visits for Schools Scheme we offer free visits of Kilkenny Castle to primary and secondary schools. (advance booking essential).
To book a visit or to find out further information, please contact Group Bookings
Tel. 056 770 4106
For more information on the OPW Free Educational Visits for Schools Scheme please visit:

Resources for the Classroom
The following resources are available to download from our website free of charge:
Caisleán Chill Chainnigh Treoir do Chuairteoirí
Kilkenny Castle Visitor's Guide
Downloadable Educational Pack for Third & Fourth Classes Primary Schools
The following pack is designed to assist with third and fourth classed primary schools, in-class learning and can be used in conjunction with an onsite visit.
Strand Unit: Life, society, work and culture in the past
- Life in Norman Ireland
- Life in medieval towns, countryside, and Europe
CASTLES PowerPoint
A presentation that can assist teachers with the aspect of learning covering Life in Norman Ireland and Life in Medieval town.
Students can become familiar with Norman homes, clothes and cooking with this PowerPoint with a key focus on Kilkenny Castle and William Marshal.
Please email to get the free PowerPoint
CASTLES student’s Fact Sheet
2-side printable pamphlet is to assist with the PowerPoint presentation.
CASTLES Student’s Worksheet
A worksheet that has a range of activities:
- matching words & meaning
- tell the story
- multi choice Q & A
- draw your own castle